Rappa Dappa Doodle
by John Forster & Tom Chapin
© 2011 Limousine Music Co. & The Last Music Co. (ASCAP)

Rappa dappa doodle,
Rappa dappa doodle,
Here's a little song about,
Rappa dappa doodle,
All the foods that I can do without.

Rotten apple, rotten apple
Hanging from my tree.
Rotten apple, rotten apple,
Stay away from me.
Staining my apparel, stinking up the barrel,
Don't be a rotten apple hanging from my tree.
Rappa dappa doodle, rappa dappa doodle, Hanging from my tree.

Couch potato, couch potato
Planted on my couch.
Couch potato, couch potato,
Don't be such a slouch.
You haven't moved since Easter,
So get up off your keester,
Don't be a couch potato planted on my couch.
Rappa dappa doodle, rappa dappa doodle, Planted on my couch.

Top banana, top banana, this is how I feel,
Top banana, don't go out
Unless you've got a peel.
Everybody's fed up with your birthday get up.
Top banana don't go out
Unless you've got a peel.
Rappa dappa doodle,
Rappa dappa doodle,
'Less you've got a peel.

One smart cookie, one smart cookie,
Oh how smart you are.
But you're not the only cookie
In the cookie jar.
While you're out there bragging,
All of us are gagging.
You're not the only cookie in the cookie jar.
Rappa dappa doodle,
Rappa dappa doodle,
In the cookie jar.

Rappa dappa doodle,
Rappa dappa doodle,
There's one special food
Guaranteed to put you
In a rappa dappa doodle mood...

Peas be with you, peas be with me,
Peas are pretty plants.
Peas deserve a lot of credit,
Let's give peas a chance.
Grab yourself a plateful,
You will be so grateful.
All we are saying is give peas a chance.
Rappa dappa doodle,
Rappa dappa doodle,
Let's give peas a chance!

This song appears on Tom Chapin's Give Peas A Chance CD.

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